Our Board
James Brearley & Sons Limited is committed to high standards of governance, conduct, ethics and to developing its governance and management structures within an appropriate framework of internal control.
The Board of Directors is responsible for the effective governance, overall management and long-term success of the company.

Nigel Corrie
MCSI – Chairman/Executive Director
Nigel joined the company in 1985, managing the Kendal office until becoming an Executive Director upon the firm’s incorporation in 1999. Nigel’s current responsibilities extend to cover Governance, Strategy and Client Care.

David Hannis
Chief Executive
David joined the company in 1986, managing the Southport office until becoming an Executive Director upon the firm’s incorporation in 1999. David’s current responsibilities extend to cover the day to day operations of the company, along with Compliance and Client Asset oversight.

Richard Dunsby
Chartered FCSI Executive Director
Richard joined the company in 1998, progressing to the role of Blackpool office manager before becoming an Associate Director in 2014. He became an Executive Director in November 2017, taking responsibility for Investment Management, Market Conduct & Dealing, Product Governance and Manager of our Account Executives.

Simon Trippier
FCCA MCSI – Executive Director
Simon, a Chartered Certified Accountant, joined the company in 2004 as Operations Manager, becoming an Associate Director in 2014. He became an Executive Director in November 2017, taking responsibility for Head Office Operations, IT and all Finance matters.
Non-Executive Director

Linda Roberts
MCSI – Non-Executive Director
Linda joined the company in May 2022. Prior to this she was an Executive Director on the Board of The Share Centre, a stockbroker and investment manager, where she was responsible for partnerships and transformational change and oversaw the M&A activity on the sale of The Share Centre to Interactive Investor . She is currently a Non-Executive Director on the Board and all Board Committees of Equiniti Financial Services Ltd. She has worked in Financial Services throughout her career, largely within the Investment sector.
Operation of the Board
The Board of James Brearley & Sons Limited meets every month and considers monthly reports from senior managers from all operational areas of the business. There are also a number of high-level reports that the Board considers at six-monthly intervals relating to matters such as Strategy and Management & Controls. Furthermore, there is schedule of matters specifically reserved for the Board’s attention and decision making.
Risk Management & Internal Control
The Board of James Brearley & Sons Limited is responsible for the company’s framework of internal control and for reviewing its effectiveness.
The company has a Risk Tolerance Statement that sets out the business’s attitude and approach towards the risks that it faces.
The business has identified 23 significant risks, grouped under different categories. Each risk is monitored and assessed by the manager responsible for the operational/business area to which it relates and, in each case, includes, amongst other things a series of risk control measures together with a risk rating that is based upon the likelihood of the risk occurring and its impact if it did.
Policy Setting
To reflect the actual decision-making process that is undertaken by the business, the Board has established what it considers to be an appropriate framework. It consists of a suite of Policies and Procedures.
The owner, who is a Senior Manager, of each Policy reflects the area of the business over which that individual has the delegated responsibility. The company’s main Policies and Procedures are updated annually and, also in conjunction with its external compliance consultants every 3 years, with a significant number subject to Board approval and, therefore, challenge.
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01772 318 760