ISA & JISA Services

We are an HM Revenue & Customs approved ISA Manager providing a “Stocks & Shares Flexible ISA”

What can I invest in:

Our ISA provides you with the ability to diversify your clients’ assets across a wide range of investments, for example, UK & overseas equities, investment trusts, ETFs, fixed interest securities and Collective Investment Schemes such as unit trusts and OEICs.

What is a “Flexible ISA”:

A “Flexible ISA” allows your clients to withdraw money from their ISA and return it in the same tax year, without this contributing towards their ISA allowance for that tax year.

How can I open an ISA for a client:

Once your firm has entered into terms of business with James Brearley, we are able to accept a new account opening request from you.

Consolidation of existing arrangements:

Our ISA and JISA provide you with the ability to consolidate a client’s existing ISAs that they hold with other ISA Managers. The advantages of consolidating your client’s ISAs are that this will reduce the amount of paperwork your client receives and in the process make it much easier for you to monitor their investments. We will not charge for transferring ISAs to us although your client’s existing ISA Managers may.

We have put together information sheets on the ISA and JISA which you may find helpful:

Keeping you up to date with the progress of your clients’ ISA or JISA:

Our online valuation service allows you to monitor the progress of your clients’ ISA portfolios, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This facility also allows you to view an historical valuation of your clients’ portfolios as at the close of play on any business day and generate a performance report.

At the end of each calendar quarter, we will provide you with a valuation of your clients’ ISAs, to also include a statement of the ISA cash account and a schedule of the transactions undertaken on the account for the previous 3 months. We will deliver this to you via our secure mail facility which may again be accessed via our web portal.

Investment management:

As investment managers, we manage considerable assets held in ISAs. If you have not already done so you may wish to consider our Investment Management Service. We would be delighted to be entrusted with the management of your clients’ assets and undertake all investment decisions on their behalf and determine when may be the most appropriate time at which to invest. You may therefore wish to consider our Investment Management Service


We also offer a stocks and shares Junior ISA, which is a tax efficient way to save for children.

There is no specific charge for the operation of an ISA or JISA, the funds held in these wrappers simply driving our charges, be it based on our Investment Management Service or Platform Service charge cards.

Quick Enquiry

If you wish to speak to one of our experienced team about our ISA & JISA Service, please contact us on the number below or fill in our quick contact form.

01772 318 760



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