Cautious Investment Strategy


Investment Strategy : Cautious


The Cautious Investment Strategy is specifically designed for clients who specify a Medium Risk mandate but who place greater emphasis on income rather than long term capital growth. The portfolio will typically hold between 30% to 45% in lower risk investments and will not hold more than 15% in higher risk investments.

The portfolio is benchmarked against the MSCI PIMFA Private Investor Income Index.


Cumulative Total Return Performance

Return %
Return %
Return %
Return %
JB Cautious Portfolio* 7.91 -1.32 16.38 68.93
MSCI PIMFA Private Investor
Income Index
8.96 8.77 22.44 71.89
Cboe UK All Companies Index 7.65 29.49 37.66 68.74
MSCI AC World Ex UK Index 15.61 26.37 75.71 209.23

Discrete 1 Year Total Returns Performance

INDEX Dec 2024
Return %
Dec 2023
Return %
Dec 2022
Return %
Dec 2021
Return %
Dec 2020
Return %
JB Cautious Portfolio* 7.91 5.29 -13.02 12.11 5.20
MSCI PIMFA Private Investor
Income Index
8.96 9.09 -8.49 10.42 1.94
Cboe UK All Companies Index 7.65 7.65 1.92 18.02 -10.87
MSCI AC World Ex UK Index 15.61 75.71 -8.63 19.63 13.96

Source: FE Analytics and ICE. All performance figures shown are Total Return. As at 31st Dec 2024.
*Source: James Brearley

Total return performance has been calculated by adding in the projected income from the other positions being re-invested on a quarterly basis as part of a general re-balance exercise. Total return performance has been calculated up until December 2015 by assuming the receipt of a quarter of the projected income every 3 months with this being reinvested into two model positions at half yearly intervals.

Any performance information shown represents model portfolios which are periodically restructured and/or rebalanced. Although the model portfolios are representative of a client’s individual portfolio, the actual returns may vary from the model portfolio returns shown. In addition, model portfolio performance quoted does not take into consideration the cost of investing and /or management fees. The returns achieved by a client may be lower than the returns shown above. Although the model portfolios are representative of a client’s individual portfolio the asset allocation of and the investments held in a client’s individual portfolio may differ.

Asset Allocation Summary (31/12/2024) (%)

Overall Risk Summary (31/12/2024) (%)


Top 10 Largest Holdings Weighting %
Vanguard Funds PLC S&P 500 UCITS ETF 7.5
Man GLG Sterling Corporate Bond Professional 6.5
Nomura Global Dynamic Bond 5.5
Royal London Global Bond Opportunities 5.5
Atlantic House Defined Returns Fund -ACC 5
Guinness Global Income 5
Vanguard Global Bond Index 4.5
Fundsmith Equity 4.5
Blue Whale Growth 4.5
Fidelity Short Dated Corporate Bond 4
Total 52.5


Investing in stockmarket based investments may not be right for all investors. You should consider carefully and/or seek professional guidance before investing. Please remember that past performance should not be seen as a guide to future performance. The value of an investment and any income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency movements and you may not get back the amount you originally invested.